Sep 6, 2012

Happy Birthday, Aaron!!

Today Aaron turned 32 years young and Brody and I prepared a special dinner and dessert for him. Last week I asked Aaron if he'd like to get a babysitter and go out for his birthday but that turned into the never ending indecisiveness of, "where should we go?" After a few minutes of this I said screw it and decided I'd make dinner and we'd stay in.

I love to cook but since the addition of Brody it's been a little more challenging to spend any length of time preparing meals. So naturally when planning the menu for Aaron's birthday dinner I chose a meal which required way more dicing and chopping than I have hands for these days. But I knew I'd figure it out and planned to make two of his favorite things: pasta bolognese and for dessert, red velvet cake with cinnamon buttercream frosting. Certainly not a healthy meal but hey, you only turn 32 once!

My litter helper. Yes, he slept in the Moby Wrap for about 2 hours while I chopped, diced, mixed and cooked dinner. Such a great baby!

Brody is a very advanced 7 week old and managed to write his own card. He picked out the frame at Michael's. No really, he did. He was sound asleep and as soon as I picked up this frame he let out a squeal. Maybe he was just pooping...but I took it as he liked this frame for his daddy.

Pasta bolognese with garlic bread.

Of course a side salad... Have to squeeze in the veggies any way we can. This meal would not be complete without a glass of Cabernet- our personal favorite.

Our favorite bakery in Buffalo, The Dessert Deli (where our wedding cake came from) makes a red velvet cake with cinnamon buttercream frosting. It was always a Valentine's day special but it was also available upon request. This was always a staple for us for birthdays and celebrations. Although mine was not quite the Dessert Deli version it came out pretty tasty.

Make a wish!

Happy Birthday, Aaron! We hope you had a great day and Love you lots!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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