Jul 28, 2013

And the Plan...

Ok, suspense it over. I'm officially going to share what Aaron and I have been up to this week.

To backpedal just a bit, I need to disclose that two weeks ago Aaron and I started following a low glycemic index diet. Why you ask? Because we were eating like crap and just grabbing whatever was available, and typically that meant it had little to no nutrient value. Well, I guess in moderation they may have been nutrient dense options, but our entire diet was pretty much centered around carbs. Since neither Aaron or I had been exercising more than 3 days a week, we we not burning many calories. We needed to overhaul our eating and redesign or menus. Pure victims of a busy life. But then again, who isn't?

The first few days were tough, all I wanted was pasta or bread, but by the end of the first week I stopped craving the white stuff and really looked forward to my snack of a cheese stick or almonds. Did I mention I found myself to have more energy? Meals and snacks took more planning and I needed to pack things to keep my hunger cravings at bay while at work.

This revamp was the perfect jump start and motivation for our new fitness and lifestyle plan: T25 by Beachbody and Shakeology. Together, these two products have us feeling amazing!

I've never done any of the other programs by this company such as Insanity, P90x, etc. but always heard amazing things about these products. Everyone I have known who has committed to any of the Beachbody routines sees results and has been satisfied with their purchase. It was just never something I felt was for me.

My ideal workout would be: outside, enjoying beautiful scenery, and in a group setting. I sort if brushed off the Beachbody products because it would confine me to the walls of my home. To me, this was simply torturous and sounded boring.

As my New Year approached, (as I wrote yesterday this was July 17, 2013, Brody's first birthday) I began to get connected with two old swimming friends who are coaches for Beachbody. I love seeing their motivational posts on Facebook and have been super curious about their delicious looking Shakeology, (will share more about this in a bit) so I reached out. They had just returned from the Beachbody conference in Las Vegas and were so excited about trainer Shaun T's new program, T25. They told me about it and honestly, their excitement got me pumped up instantly.

Here are a few reasons why I choose T25:

-It only takes 25 minutes, 5 days a week. This is totally something I could handle. While I dream of the days I would escape to the gym for two hours, those days are no where in my near future. 25 minutes is ideal for me.

-It's broken into two 5 week sections; Alpha and Beta. Alpha is the foundation for what's to come. After only one week I am excited for the next week and one step closer to Beta.

-It's a fast paced workout and filled with dynamic moves to work on all muscle groups.

Everyday this week I have been exhausted after 25 minutes. It's challenging me athletically in ways I have not been challenged in years! While some of the workouts I have some serious work to do before I can say I "nailed it'" there is a modifier of screen, Talia and you follow her if you need too. She's not easy, but the moves are very similar just not as much impact that the full version moves have.

And my favorite thing about the program, Shaun T. I totally have a fitness crush on him. I feel like he is in my living room holding me accountable!

I purchased the challenge pack which includes: the program, a month of Shakelogy, recipe guides, meal plans, and by far the best part, I am part of a private Facebook group of people all completing the same program. They are such rock stars and so motivating. I love seeing my newsfeed overflow with updates about their workouts, new recipes, and "sweaty selfies." Remember I said I need accountability? Well I definitely got it.

T25 just premiered this month so we are literally one of the first challenge groups to test the program and reap all the benefits. New members are joining everyday and I love seeing the group grow.

I mentioned how the challenge pack also comes with Shakelogly. I am so not a person who buys meal replacement shakes or protein shakes, but I figured I would jump in with both feet and follow the program as its prescribed.

Here's what the website says about Shakeology:

Shakeology® is the most delicious, nutrient-dense,
superfood-packed protein shake on the planet.

It contains more than 70 natural ingredients derived from rich, nutrient-dense whole-food sources from around the world.
Shakeology is so incredibly healthy, no other single food item out
there can supply you with all the nutrients, vitamins, proteins, and
minerals in the amounts you need the way one delicious shake can.*

To read all the science about it go here:


After one week of drinking Shakelogy for one of my meals, I feel it satisfies my hunger, increases my energy and certainly satisfies my sweet tooth. It comes in a few different favors and I chose Chocolate (duh) and have been preparing it with a scoop of peanut butter and banana. It is Seriously so good and it tastes like a milkshake. Milkshakes for breakfast, anyone? Aaron kept stealing my shake so I went ahead and ordered him his own bag. He really likes it too and had it for dinner the other night. His bag will arrive later this week and he choose vanilla flavor.

Here are the ingredients:

Click on picture to make it larger and you will see it only has 160 calories. Of course with peanut butter and a banana it has more but by far less than my normal lunch and way more nutrient dense that most things I would prepare for myself.

Can you tell I am a huge fan? It fits my need to be held accountable with the online group and its so manageable at only 25 minutes a day. And, what's even better? If I don't want to cook dinner all I need to do is whip out the blender and I can drink my delicious milkshake.

I was hoping my scale would have come this weekend so I could give you numbers, but instead I will give you some pictures. Not a huge difference on the outside (for me) but I feel amazing on the inside. Aaron, however (damn men and their metabolism) is looking slim!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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