May 7, 2012

Update central: 28 weeks and Bella

I had my 28 week appointment today with Dr. Z and all checks out great.  I have gained an additional 3 pounds which puts me just shy of 15 pounds gained and my blood pressure was normal.  Today was also my glucose scan so I drank the very sweet orange concoction (which was not too bad) and had my blood drawn an hour after.  I should have those results tomorrow and I am praying I do not fail and have to go back for the three hour glucose screen.

Since I am Factor V positive and on blood thinning meds, I will have routine ultrasounds every four weeks starting now and more if needed.  BB is measuring right on track in most areas but large in head circumference and length (femur measurements.)  While these are all just estimates BB weighs around 3 pounds and I am measuring about 29 weeks and a few days but his head is measuring around 31 weeks.  Not sure where the big noggin is coming from since I wear children sized hats!  As said above I will have the blood results back tomorrow but Dr. Z said the fluid levels are normal which if they are high can sometimes be an indication of diabetes.  From these measurements he felt comfortable saying my blood will probably come back normal and should not have to do the 3 hour test.  Let's hope he is correct!

Although I am not a huge fan of ultrasound photos as I find them a little creepy, I thought I would share this one for those who like these sorts of things.  I was not supposed to have a 4D scan  but the ultrasound tech gave me a peek anyway.  He was a little uncooperative and was covering his face with his hands and legs but she was able to print this one off for me.

Time seems to be really flying now and because I am considered high risk I begin appointments every two weeks now until 32 weeks.  After that point I will have to go twice a week for Non-Stress Tests.  One of the big concerns for people with Factor V is that the placenta can age quicker than women who do not have this condition. The Non-Stress Tests are the best way to measure BB's activity levels and to monitor his growth to make sure he is getting adequate nutrients and thriving.

Oh, and here is an updated Belly shot from Friday at 28w1d:

Whoa mama, feeling BIG!


Ok now on to the sweet Bella girl.  She is doing well.  We were able to keep her off of sedation for most the weekend as we were home to monitor her activity level.  Although she seems completely unphased that she had surgery on her leg she still needs to keep the walking, jumping, dancing, etc. to a minimum.  If you have ever met this dog you would know this is a hard task!  Her incision looks great but she has had some bleeding from the site where the drainage thingy was.  We had to resort to sedating her yesterday afternoon and this morning to keep her from being so crazy and to take weight off of her leg.

This is the sweet pup I left this morning before heading to my appointment:

She will not get her stitches out until next Tuesday so she needs to be resting until then.  The vet felt that after 7-10 days things should be healed enough that her leashed walks can become a little longer and the jumping should not be harmful.  Hopefully by mid week we can stop the sedatives all together and she can resume somewhat normal activities. 

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