Sep 24, 2011

Greetings from VA!

We have made it to our new home and we are all getting settled and adjusting to life in Virginia.  Compared to Buffalo it is a much different pace of life; not a bad pace of life but just different.  Buffalo's traffic was hardly bad so I won't complain about the commutes in Western NY but here you can seriously get from one side of town to the next in 5 minutes.  It is actually kind of nice.

The weather has been beautiful; nice fall temperatures.  The setting is also gorgeous!  Blacksburg is full of lush mature trees and plenty of rolling hills.  Running around here has been excellent!  Our rental home is cute and we are unpacked (mostly) and finding it to be cozy.  We do miss our house in the Arctic but I think it's because we had a strong emotional attachment to that home.  It was our first house and we made it a home. 

Being in a college town we have found many perks.  One being cheap food and beer!  However I have had to get used to getting carded when going to eat dinner.  I forget that once the sun goes down the tables disappear and it's standing room only for drinking. I guess with the benefits of cheap food and beer come the negatives in that you cannot escape the students.  This is their town and they run the show.

The veterinary school had a fundraiser today so we brought the pups for baths and nail trims today.  Willis was less than thrilled with the bath but he survived and received a bag of treats!  There was also another family of weims there at the same time- fun to see 5 weimaraners all together.

Getting his nails clipped- this part he likes...
Bella is loving the royal treatment!
Willis says "no way!"
Being a pain in the rear
Dry and happy... 
Bella's always happy
So fresh and so clean!

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